Ensemble Montréal Wants to Promote the Practice of Sports on Wheels

On Wednesday morning, Mr. Benoit Langevin, the City Councillor for the Bois-de-Liesse district representing Ensemble Montréal, held a press conference to urge the administration to increase the number of dedicated roller sports facilities in the City. The Official Opposition at Montreal’s City Hall aims to respond to the growing enthusiasm observed in recent years for skateboarding, inline skating and scooters while promoting physical activity among Montreal’s population.
Indeed, roller sports have become more popular than ever. The inclusion of skateboarding in the 2020 Summer Olympics has given them a new surge of popularity. However, despite this growing interest, the City of Montreal provides only one municipal indoor facility, the TAZ Skatepark, where enthusiasts can practice their passion year-round. Interestingly, its attendance has more than doubled between 2013 and 2019, demonstrating the high appeal for such facilities.
“I have been skateboarding since I was young. It’s a unifying sport that has helped me persevere in school, build a community around me and find an outlet during challenging times. Roller sports often come with a philosophy centered on mutual support and attract citizens from all generations. The City of Montreal has much to gain by promoting them,” highlights City Councillor for the Bois-de-Liesse district, Benoit Langevin.
Skateparks Available to All Montrealers
Furthermore, with a focus on territorial equity, Ensemble Montréal urges the Plante administration to develop partnerships in various sectors of the City, taking inspiration from the success of the JM Court Program at Jeanne-Mance School. A building was transformed into a skatepark just a few steps away from the school, allowing young people to access it at a modest price year-round. Between April 2022 and March 2023, more than 4,200 individuals were able to benefit from these discounted facilities. In the same spirit, the municipal administration is encouraged to offer free time slots at the TAZ Skatepark during the winter season. Currently, the entrance fee ranges from $12 to $17 per person, creating a barrier for many young people facing financial hardship.
Lastly, to ensure the quality of roller sports facilities, Ensemble Montréal also calls on the administration to adopt a Strategy for the Development of Open-Access Roller Sports Facilities, similar to those in place in Vancouver and Melbourne. Through collaboration with stakeholders in the community, this strategy would enable the City to gather various data to optimize the practice of these sports in the metropolis.