Abdelhaq Sari
City Councillor
Marie-Clarac borough
514-328-4000 Poste : 5574
[email protected]
Abdelhaq Sari is a dynamic and committed citizen whose calling is to help the community of Montréal-Nord. Passionate about the relationships he builds with his fellow citizens, he works to improve their daily lives, safety and well-being. Defined as a “grassroots” man, meetings with families, merchants and local organizations are at the heart of his priorities. He relies on close relationships in order to listen to and understand the issues of all the people he represents.
Abdelhaq’s humane background has touched the Montréal-Nord community, regardless of origin and culture, notably through his involvement as Vice President of the Commission sur la sécurité publique and in the community sector as Vice President and former President of Le Soleil des orphelins, an organization that assists orphans in Africa and in Canada. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, he has contributed to a collaborative movement with Montréal-Nord relief groups to help those in need by offering emotional and moral support, answering questions and distributing food baskets and masks.
For Abdelhaq, Montréal-Nord is a resilient community with an exemplary support network. He is inspired by this on a daily basis and it is for this reason that he wishes to make a difference for his fellow citizens and allow them to flourish in Montréal.
Work Experience
- City councillor, Marie-Clarac district, Montréal-Nord borough, since 2017
- Vice-Chair of Montreal’s Public Safety Commission since December 2017
- Opposition Critic for Public Safety, Information Technology and Major Projects.
- Advisor in analysis and management control, Police department of the city of Montréal, since 2013
- Lecturer, School of management science, Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG-UQAM), since 2007
- Management systems advisor, Service des technologies de l’information STI, City of Montréal, 2012-2013
- BI Business intelligence and business architect (freelancer), Sofware DATANOVA, Montréal, 2005-2010
- Business analyst, Institut de recherche en santé et sécurité au travail, 2008-2012
- Teaching assistant and research assistant, ESG-UQAM, 2004-2005
- Analyst designer, Ministry of Finance for the Kingdom of Morocco, 1997-2002
- Analyst, Lacoste Morocco, 1996-1997
- Doctorate in business administration (Not obtained – Successful Education) ESG-UQAM, McGill, JMSB-Concordia and HEC Montréal, 2011
- Master in business administration, management and technology (MBA), École de Science de la gestion, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2006
- Graduate diploma in information technology, École des Technologies Supérieures- Montréal, 2004
- Diploma in application engineering in management computing, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Lyon – France, 2000
- Diploma of specialized technician in information system, Institut Spécialisé de Technologies Appliquées de Rabat – Morocco, 1996
Community Involvement
- Chairman of the board of directors of l’association Soleil des Orphelins (Assistance to orphans in Africa and Canada), since 2014
- Member of the board of directors of Club 3D à Montréal-Nord, since 2010
- Vice President and co-founder of l’Association Musulmane de l’Amérique du Nord Montréal-Nord – Mosquée Imam Warch, 2010-2016
- Member of the board of governors of Université du Québec network, 2008-2010
- Representing member of l’AéESG of the board of directors of Regroupement des Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Québec, 2006-2007
- External Vice-President of l’Association Étudiante de l’ESG-UQAM, 2006
- Vice-president of communication of l’Association Étudiante de l’ESG-UQAM, 2005
Awards and Honours
- Winner of the FARE scholarship, 2006
- Winner of academic excellence award, Hydro-Québec, 2005
- Second place in Canada in interactive management during the MBA Games, 2005