Alan DeSousa
Member of the Finance and Administration Committee
514 855-6000 Poste : 4005
[email protected]
As a long-time resident of Saint Laurent, Alan has deep roots in our community. Married to Florence and father of two boys, Martin and Victor, Alan has raised his family here. From going to the local high school as a teenager to his current role as mayor of Saint Laurent, Alan best exemplifies the attachment, pride and sense of belonging to the community he serves.
A chartered professional accountant since the early 1980s, Alan has had a successful career in the private sector, practicing in taxation with Ernst and Young and then serving as Vice-President of Finance with BioChem Pharma Inc, a Canadian public company. He was awarded the title of Fellow by his professional order in 2005.
First elected as a city councillor with the City of Saint Laurent in 1990, he was elected mayor in 2001 and has served continuously till today. As a member of the City of Montreal’s Executive Committee, as well as that of the Montreal Metropolitain Community, he has held multiple portfolios and responsibilities, most notably that of sustainable development and the environment. He is also Acting Chair of the Green Municipal Fund Council.
Under Alan’s leadership, Saint Laurent is recognized as a leader in environmental stewardship and practices. A family-oriented community with excellent services and a warm friendly touch, Saint Laurent is a diverse community where people want to live – and where they live in peace and harmony with their neighbours.
To his fellow residents, he is simply known as “Alan”.