Chantal Rossi
City Councillor
Ovide-Clermont borough
514 328-4000 Poste : 5573
Politics has always been an important part of Chantal Rossi’s life. At the age of 16, her father was elected as the Member of Parliament for Bourassa and became the very first MP of Italian origin from Quebec to sit in the House of Commons. It was only natural for Chantal to get involved in her community. During her youth, she volunteered in various causes and associations, including the Club Richelieu and the Ste-Colette Parish. She is proud to say that she volunteered to sing at Sunday Masses for nearly 14 years.
Before entering municipal politics, Chantal worked for 16 years for the Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île, a job that allowed her to maintain direct relations with the families and citizens of her neighbourhood. In 2009, after the encouragement of many, she was elected as borough councillor for the Marie-Clarac district, a position she would hold until 2013 when she was elected city councillor for the same district. From 2013 to 2017, she was an associate advisor on the city’s executive committee and was responsible for issues relating to culture, heritage and design.
For Chantal, Montréal-Nord is a village that sticks together. Despite the difficulties and the image portrayed by the media, Montréal-Nord is the capital of togetherness. It is also this spirit of unity and togetherness that makes her proud to be part of Ensemble Montréal. There is still a lot of work to be done for Montréal-Nord and Montréal, but she believes that the values of the party will allow to repair the damage that has been done in the last four years. According to her, cultural, tourism and economic development must once again be a priority.
“I have Montréal-Nord tattooed on my heart. The interests and needs of my fellow citizens will always be the cornerstone of my political involvement. I have always been a frank and transparent woman who is not afraid to stand up for her community. I learned from the best, my father, who was always honest, straightforward and authentic. “
Work Experience
- City Councillor , Ovide-Clermont district, since 2017.
- Vice-Chair of Montreal’s Cultural, Heritage and Sports Commission since 2018, member since 2017.
- Member of Montreal’s Council Presidency Commission since 2017.
- Responsible for culture, public works, road safety, seniors and social development in the borough.
- City councillor, Marie-Clarac district, 2013-2017
- Designated councillor for culture, heritage and design to the Montreal Executive Committee
- Member of the commission for social development and diversity for the City of Montreal.
- Board member, Arts et de la Vie
- Interim mayor in the Montreal Nord Borough (January 2016-May 2016)
- Member of the Table de concertation Paix et Sécurité urbaines of the Montreal Nord Borough, since 2016
- Member of the management committee of Régime des rentes des employés de Montréal-Nord, 2009-2016
- President of the permanent cultural committee of the Montreal Nord Borough, since 2009
- Chair of the committee on culture, sports, recreation and social and community development of for the Montreal Nord borough, since 2009
- Responsible for the youth file for the Montreal Nord Borough, since 2016
- Borough councillor, Marie-Clarac district, 2009-2013
- Responsible for the 100th anniversary of Montreal Nord Borough, 2015
- Responsible for culture, Montreal North Borough
- Chair of the cultural committee for the borough of Montreal Nord
- Member on the committee for culture, sports and leisure, social development for the Montreal Nord Borough
- Board member, local development for Montreal Nord
- Member on the employee pension fund committee for Montreal Nord
- Member on the Montreal Nord borough communication committee
- Pointe-de-l’Île School Board, 1998-2014
- Vice-president of the committee for adult education, transport, and higher education
- Member of the decision review committee
- Member of the human resources committee
- Member of the finance committee
- Academic training in music theory, Université de Montréal, 2004
- Choir, private instruction by Micheline René and Gail Desmarais, 1990-1995
- Course in accounting and administration, CEGEP Bois-de-Boulogne, 1985
- High School Diploma, Polyvalente Henri-Bourassa, 1978
Community Involvement
- Chanter during the liturgical celebrations at the parish of Ste-Gertrude in Montreal Nord, since 2015
- Member of the development committee on life at the Maison du Rayon du Soleil, 2010-2012
- Member of the board of directors of Culture-X (community organization), 2007-2009
- Founder and manager of l’expo-vente Ste-Colette, 1998-2003
- Chanter during the liturgical celebrations at the parish of Ste-Colette, 1989-2003
- Founding member of le Club Richelieu La Bourgarde in 1998 and president from 2000-2001